Fitting linecuts using the lmfit package#

Import functions#

from nxs_analysis_tools.datareduction import load_data, Scissors
from nxs_analysis_tools.fitting import LinecutModel

from lmfit.models import GaussianModel, LinearModel

Load data#

data = load_data('example_data/sample_name/15/example_hkli.nxs')
  @axes = ['H', 'K', 'L']
  @signal = 'counts'
  H = float64(100)
  K = float64(150)
  L = float64(200)
  counts = float64(100x150x200)

Perform linecuts#

s = Scissors(data=data)
linecut = s.cut_data(center=(0,0,0), window=(0.1,0.5,0.1))
Linecut axis: K
Integrated axes: ['H', 'L']

The LinecutModel class#

The workhorse of the fitting algorithm here is the LinecutModel class which wraps both the Model and ModelResult classes of the lmfit package, among other information.

lm = LinecutModel(data=linecut)

Create lmfit model#

Use the .set_model_components() method to set the model to be used for fitting the linecut. The model_components parameter must be a Model or list of Model objects.

lm.set_model_components([GaussianModel(prefix='peak'), LinearModel(prefix='background')])

Set model constraints#

Set constraints on the model using .set_param_hint().

lm.set_param_hint('peakcenter', min=-0.1, max=0.1)

After the model and the hints have been specified, use the .make_params() method to initialize the parameters.

Initialize parameters#


Perform initial guess#

Use the .guess() method to perform an initial guess.


The initial values of the parameters that result can be viewed using the .print_initial_params() method.

	min: 0
	expr: 2.3548200*peaksigma
	expr: 0.3989423*peakamplitude/max(1e-15, peaksigma)
	min: -0.1
	max: 0.1

These can also be accessed through the individual LinecutModel objects.


Visualize the initial guesses#


Perform the fit#

Visualize the fit#

    (Model(gaussian, prefix='peak') + Model(linear, prefix='background'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 25
    # data points      = 76
    # variables        = 5
    chi-square         = 1.0034e-16
    reduced chi-square = 1.4132e-18
    Akaike info crit   = -3118.82112
    Bayesian info crit = -3107.16745
    R-squared          = 1.00000000
##  Warning: uncertainties could not be estimated:
    backgroundslope:      at initial value
    peakamplitude:        183.644087 (init = 219.8854)
    peakcenter:          -6.9385e-15 (init = 0)
    peaksigma:            0.06000000 (init = 0.06040268)
    backgroundslope:     -2.8140e-11 (init = 2.385307e-14)
    backgroundintercept: -1.3796e-09 (init = 180.0195)
    peakfwhm:             0.14128920 == '2.3548200*peaksigma'
    peakheight:           1221.05658 == '0.3989423*peakamplitude/max(1e-15, peaksigma)'
    peakcorrlength:       44.4703863 == '(2 * 3.141592653589793) / peakfwhm'
<Axes: xlabel='x', ylabel='y'>

The number of x values used to evaluate the fit curve can be set using the numpoints parameter, and any keyword arguments here will be passed to the .plot() method of the underlying ModelResult object.

    (Model(gaussian, prefix='peak') + Model(linear, prefix='background'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 25
    # data points      = 76
    # variables        = 5
    chi-square         = 1.0034e-16
    reduced chi-square = 1.4132e-18
    Akaike info crit   = -3118.82112
    Bayesian info crit = -3107.16745
    R-squared          = 1.00000000
##  Warning: uncertainties could not be estimated:
    backgroundslope:      at initial value
    peakamplitude:        183.644087 (init = 219.8854)
    peakcenter:          -6.9385e-15 (init = 0)
    peaksigma:            0.06000000 (init = 0.06040268)
    backgroundslope:     -2.8140e-11 (init = 2.385307e-14)
    backgroundintercept: -1.3796e-09 (init = 180.0195)
    peakfwhm:             0.14128920 == '2.3548200*peaksigma'
    peakheight:           1221.05658 == '0.3989423*peakamplitude/max(1e-15, peaksigma)'
    peakcorrlength:       44.4703863 == '(2 * 3.141592653589793) / peakfwhm'
<Axes: xlabel='x', ylabel='y'>

Access the fit values#

The x and y values of the fit are stored in the .x (identical to the raw x values) and the .y_fit attributes.

array([-0.503356, -0.489933, -0.47651 , ...,  0.47651 ,  0.489933,
array([-1.364786e-09, -1.361743e-09, -1.341593e-09, ..., -1.368411e-09,
       -1.389316e-09, -1.393114e-09])

The residuals are stored within the ModelResult class of the lmfit package, which is stored in the .modelresult attribute of the LinecutModel class.

array([-1.367040e-09, -1.366048e-09, -1.366214e-09, ..., -1.393032e-09,
       -1.393621e-09, -1.395368e-09])

Viewing the fit report#

    (Model(gaussian, prefix='peak') + Model(linear, prefix='background'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 25
    # data points      = 76
    # variables        = 5
    chi-square         = 1.0034e-16
    reduced chi-square = 1.4132e-18
    Akaike info crit   = -3118.82112
    Bayesian info crit = -3107.16745
    R-squared          = 1.00000000
##  Warning: uncertainties could not be estimated:
    backgroundslope:      at initial value
    peakamplitude:        183.644087 (init = 219.8854)
    peakcenter:          -6.9385e-15 (init = 0)
    peaksigma:            0.06000000 (init = 0.06040268)
    backgroundslope:     -2.8140e-11 (init = 2.385307e-14)
    backgroundintercept: -1.3796e-09 (init = 180.0195)
    peakfwhm:             0.14128920 == '2.3548200*peaksigma'
    peakheight:           1221.05658 == '0.3989423*peakamplitude/max(1e-15, peaksigma)'
    peakcorrlength:       44.4703863 == '(2 * 3.141592653589793) / peakfwhm'